
What Are The Advantages of Vinyl Plank Flooring?

Of all the advantages, the fact that vinyl plank is 100% water resistant has to be the biggest! As a result, any liquid spills will not affect the flooring. Great for basements and bathrooms.

Vinyl Planks – Safety & Functionality

Improving the appearance of your home gives comfort, safety and it even adds more functionality. Whether your renovation includes changing the floor tiles, it is important to choose the right flooring company that provides a satisfying new flooring installation, that will help you attain your desired home improvement.

Arizona’s Favorite Flooring

Healthy Home Flooring in Arizona is the best option for you because it offers several compelling services and products that you can choose from, and one of which is the luxury vinyl plank flooring that has been a favorite of many homeowners for a lot of reasons:

Water Resistant

Vinyl plank flooring is 100% water resistant, which means surface water or spills would not affect the flooring. Therefore, this type of flooring is beneficial in spaces like kitchens, bathrooms and even basements.

Realistic Visuals.

The patterns, colors and textures that are used to create vinyl planks are exceptionally authentic, that will give your floor a realistic appearance.

Easy to Clean and Maintain.

One of the reasons of renovating a home is its convenience. So, selecting a low maintenance flooring will make your life easier. Vinyl plank does not require constant cleaning and to keep them new, you can either use a broom, vacuum or microfiber sweeper for an immediate clean up.

Extremely Durable.

Choosing vinyl plank will save you a lot of money in the future, because it can last longer while maintaining its look and quality. The durable quality of vinyl plank is very flexible that you will be able to install it practically anywhere in your home.

Vinyl Plank Flooring is Water Resistant

Of all the advantages, the fact that vinyl plank is 100% water resistant has to be the biggest! As a result, any liquid spills will not affect the flooring that is great for basements and bathrooms, and luckily Healthy Home Improvement provides quality vinyl plank flooring products and services that will be beneficial in achieving your dream home.

Dogs love Vinyl Planks

Is Vinyl Plank Flooring Good For Dogs?

Because vinyl plank flooring is scratch/stain resistant, waterproof, and relatively inexpensive, it is the best option available. With this product, you and the dogs will be very happy with the results.

Why Dog Owners Love Vinyl Plank Flooring?

When choosing a new flooring option, vinyl plank flooring really is the best product for any dog owner. Its primary benefit is that it is 100% moisture resistant, which is a must for baths that leave more water outside of the tub than in it, overturned water bowls, or muddy paw prints.

It is also more resistant to dog urine, which will help with preventing any possible staining.

Keeping vinyl plank flooring looking new is relatively easy. It can handle most cleaning products and requires little long-term maintenance. Regular sweeping and vacuuming of loose fur and debris will help keep floors looking great, while also preventing any additional damage.

Easy Cleaning for Vinyl Plank Flooring

A simple weekly mopping will help get rid of any dirt or grime brought in by your furry friend, and no additional waxing or conditioning is required.Vinyl plank flooring can also withstand heavy traffic, so whether you have one small dog or a pack of hounds, your floor will be able to withstand years of abuse.

Since it does not chip or scratch easily, you also will not have to worry about those sharp nails damaging your flooring.

If your dog is free to roam throughout the house, you might want to consider installing vinyl flooring throughout your entire home, which is possible due to vinyl’s affordable price. Your home will not only look great but will also be protected at a fraction of the cost compared with other flooring options.

Overall, for those with dogs, you and your furry friend will be pleased and comfortable with a vinyl plank flooring option that will look exceptional and last for years.

Does vinyl plank flooring fade?

All vinyl will fade, but vinyl plank flooring will not fade as quickly as other vinyl. A big advantage is that if something happens to the tile, you can replace pieces as you go.

Vinyl Plank Flooring Lasts Longer with Proper Care

Vinyl plank flooring tends to be extremely resilient to damage. Fading can be prevented simply by taking proper care of the flooring and/ or replacing pieces that get damaged (which would, in the end, still make it cheaper than other options).

Sheet Vinyl Flooring May Fade, Vinyl Plank Flooring Won’t

The first step to keeping your vinyl plank flooring healthy is taking good care of it. Preventing it from fading is easy as its not a likely concern. Sun damage is one of the main reasons sheet vinyl can fade so properly protect your windows by installing black out curtains, or by purchasing window film.

What Makes Vinyl Flooring Fade Unevenly?

Sheet vinyl tends to fade unevenly, looking worse where furniture is so another option to prevent fading is periodically rearranging your furniture, or protecting most of your flooring with carpets (specially where furniture is going to go to prevent scratches and tears).

More Ways to Prevent Vinyl Flooring from Fading

Of course, another good step to take to prevent fading is cleaning stains as soon as they happen: clean not only the stain but the entire floor to prevent uneven fading and use only products specifically tailored for cleaning vinyl, never bleach or wax as it could damage your flooring.

Damaged Vinyl Planks Are Easy to Replace

And if your flooring ends up damaged anyways, keeping additional planks handy will help you replace the worst damage to your floor. All in all,if you are considering vinyl plank flooring but you are afraid of it fading and looking terrible, do not worry: if you care for it properly it will still look in tip top shape for many years to come.

vinyl plank

Is vinyl plank flooring better than laminate flooring?

These are similar products and both very good. Vinyl plank is a good choice for homes with children or pets and will be fairly resistant to fading over long periods of time. A great product!

Vinyl plank flooring & laminate flooring offer durability advantages.

We always want to make sure we are using the best materials that are going to last us as long as possible, to prevent unexpected costs. For example, when doing the flooring, a lot of people struggle between choosing vinyl plank flooring or laminate flooring because they don’t fully understand what capabilities and strength each has.

Vinyl plank flooring and laminate flooring pros and cons.

Vinyl plank flooring might tear if we drag heavy objects, laminate will chip with extensive wear. In addition, vinyl plank is waterproof and can be cleaned with steam and wet mops while laminate is not waterproof and should be cleaned with either laminate-specific products or acetone.

Both offer many styles and colors.

Vinyl plank flooring comes in a wide variety of styles such as cherry, maple or mahogany but the styles are only modeled after wood, while laminate flooring includes more option such as ceramic or stone styles.

Maintenance for vinyl plank and laminate flooring.

In addition to this, vinyl plank can’t tolerate waxes to help restore shine, while laminate uses laminate specific products for maintenance which makes it a little bit more difficult to maintain, but stays beautiful as the years go by. Vinyl plank is more prone to fading, while laminate flooring fades less.

Measuring quality and budget.

All in all, both are excellent, high quality materials but whichever’s best suited to your project relates to what you value most, your time, or the cost. Laminate is usually best for most homeowners operating with a tight budget. Those with more to spend usually prefer vinyl planks.