Pet resistant flooring

Choosing a flooring for your house is a crucial decision especially when you own a pet like a dog. As a dog owner, some unique concerns are attached to flooring. You need to opt for pet resistant flooring which can withstand your dog’s claws, hide dander, easily cleaned, be a comfortable option and always look good in your home. Healthy Home Flooring has many pet resistant flooring options which will surely make your home look beautiful, clean and healthy forever.

In order to know what are the best options, you need to consider pet resistant flooring from Healthy Home Flooring, learn all the cleaning tips and then, make a suitable choice.

Some of the Best Flooring Options are:


This Flooring is an excellent choice for dog owners as it won’t be scratched or torn off for many years and also, is easy to clean and maintain. One of the best things about this pet resistant flooring is that it mimics the look of tile or hardwood and that too on a budget. So, if you use a good quality vinyl flooring, it can withstand all the challenges that come along when you own a pet.

Pet resistant flooring options


Cork Flooring is suitable for a pet of all ages. It is one of the best pet resistant flooring options as it not only resembles hardwood but along with it, it is microbial and a good scratch resistant. This flooring is less likely to lead to a growth of bacteria, mold and other harmful allergies which are very common with dogs. Apart from this, cork flooring also absorbs sounds and make your house less noisy.


This is one of the best pet resistant flooring options and best flooring when you own a dog. This flooring is water resistant, stain resistant and easy to clean. So, this flooring can hold whatever your dog dishes out and also, scratches and scuffs are not so visible as compared to another flooring.

Best flooring


With this pet resistant flooring option, you can always see your dog roaming and play on your brand new floors. It is incredibly durable, stain and scratch resistant and easy to maintain flooring types. So, when looking for pet resilient flooring, bamboo flooring is another excellent option if you want a natural wood look with dogs.

When you own a pet such as a dog, you need to fulfill some extra considerations. You also need to make sure that the flooring is good for your health and the health of your furry companion. Moreover, you need to find out a flooring option which can withstand special strain while afford to look good and provide comfort for you, your family and your dog too. So talk with a flooring expert of Healthy Home Flooring and learn about the pet resistant flooring options that suit your requirements and budget.